Even though the knowledge about technologies used in food industry is available to everyone, there are still many…
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Popular myths about snakes which are not true
Snakes are one of the most mysterious and scaring creatures of our planet. While some people admire their…
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Were ancient people really healthier than modern people are?
Living a healthy lifestyle has gone beyond a necessity in the modern world. For many people, it is…
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Popular stereotypes about animals
Needless to say, people have stereotypes not only about other people, but also about many species of animals.…
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Are these animals really dangerous for people?
No matter how well-armed people are, they can’t protect themselves against the dangers of the wild life which…
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The most widespread delusions about our world
The knowledge about the world surrounding us is not so important for our daily routine and the tasks…
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These widespread opinions about dinosaurs are not true
You will hardly find a person who doesn’t know what dinosaurs are. Yet, in the reality, the majority…
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Even more popular myths about space debunked
If you are interested in astronomy and everything connected to this topic, you might have already read our…
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Popular myths about space in which you shouldn’t believe
Each of us has some basic idea about space. Yet, although astronauts are making more and more discoveries…
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